
Coaching, counseling & more, in group or private session.

Stay in control with our Diabetes Management

Learn how nutrition, exercise, blood glucose monitoring, and medications can help you take charge of your diabetes and enable you to live a full and healthy life.

Weight Management. Start eating, feeling & living better today. Build good habits with us!

Lose weight while learning how to change your relationship with food! We create our strategies using evidence-based methods for weight management.

If you’re ready to change your relationship with food for the better, follow us at @goodness_nutrition_center for meal plans and updates.

Feel free to reach us from any platform, if you want to schedule an appointment please don’t hesitate!

High quality pregnancy & childbirth education

We specialize in helping women who are trying to get pregnant, women who are already pregnant, and women who have recently become new moms. We support soon-to-be and new moms by providing a range of services from pre-pregnancy all the way through to lactation support, post-pregnancy weight loss, and Lamaze Childbirth classes.


We provide our patients with the most comprehensive body composition testing on the market.

Contact us today and let's start building healthier habits.
It's never too late to start taking care of your body we are here to assist you on the way.